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WebMeToo.com Acceptance of Terms Agreement

Site Content: Since WebMeToo.com is a public site, it will not allow any sites determined by WebMeToo.com to be offensive nor abusive in nature. This includes, but is not limited to: Sites that are/include: adult or pornographic material, warez, copyright offensive or slanderous. Also, sites that include offensive or demeaning content.
Your site will be used for appropriate purposes only, and WebMeToo.com reserves the right to discontinue hosting of any site that it feels is not in accordance of these terms. Removal of such sites will receive no refunds of any monies, prorated or not, up to the time of the next billing cycle of the customer. Nor will WebMeToo.com or it’s affiliates be responsible for any time lost for the site not being up due to such circumstances, whether legal or pending clarification of content. Intentional misuse or abuse of WebMeToo.com equipment, services and or connections will be the result of immediate termination of this agreement and your account, and if deemed appropriate, legal recourse. Including, but not limited to: Account/System Hacking/Access, System File Access, Email Spamming or System and or Email (Including Web,FTP,SMTP,POP3 etc..) Service Manipulation, Intentional Misrepresentation of Customer Account Information and or other inappropriate actions against WebMeToo.com and/or it’s employees/affiliates.

This service will also not be used, nor reponsible for distribution, publication of any materials deemed illegal by the governing Federal, State or Local laws of the United States of America and/or other countries you may traverse with your internet site. (Remember the WWW is a Global entity) You as a WebMeToo.com customer take full responsibility for the content of your site and it’s contents.

Credit and Fees: All payments will be set up by a WebMeToo representative and any changes to standard operating procedures regarding payment, including special rates and pricing must be approved in writing by a WebMeToo.com representative at a Managerial Level.

Failure to pay within terms set forth in your agreement will result in the site being placed on pending status and then deactivated with or without notice. Availability: Though WebMeToo.com will do everything under it’s control to provide a continuous and quality connection of your site to the Internet, it will not be responsible, nor liable for, any disconnection of services, monies or lost time, including, but not limited to: Network Outages, Natural Disasters, Equipment Failures, Power Failures, Malicious Intrusion (Hacking, Denial of Service Attacks,SPAM) which can or may interrupt services. Cancellation of Service: You may cancel your account any time. It would be appreciated if done before the end of the Billing Cycle of your account.
If you have an extended billing cycle, such as Quarterly,Bi-Annual or Annual, you will be prorated a return based on the time of cancellation to your billing cycle unless account was cancelled to due to account termination listed above. High System/Network Utilization: If it is determined by WebMeToo.com that your site is degrading system performance from high utilization, you may be subject to an Accessive Utilization Fee.You will be contacted by a WebMeToo Representative if this occurs.
We will not charge in advance of your consent. WebMeToo.com Accounts will not be processed without acceptance to this agreement.  

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