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Hosting, Websites, Applications & Design since 1990

WebMeToo Projects & Some FREE Tools

247Coding.com - Custom & affordable applications 247Coding.com
Professional and affordable custom application solutions. Creators of WERD captcha program and many other excellant applications. Offering free open source solutions.
BioTrending.com - Biologic Trending bioTrending.com
(*New) BioTrending.com is a new application in the works. Trending biological data from around the globe to provide insight into resolving some of the greatest challenges facing the world today.
Click on image to see all of the features of WebMeToo.com's OverTimeLandscaping web site. Free Job/Service Calculator at OverTimeLandscape.com
Free area/rate calculator for job estimates of all types. Calculate square footage,yardage for landscaping, roofing, parking lot, farm & field, snow plowing, property estimates, etc. using arial map to plot out your service area and calculate your own service rate.
Click on image to see all of the features of WebMeToo.com's PinKeyRing password encryption android and web encryption. PinKeyRing
We have been using this little Android mobile utility for years. Easy to use and simple encrypted password storage utility. Not many bells and whistles, just that password that you set 2 years ago for that off the wall website you visited. It does not provide instant form population, which means that your password cannot be easily swiped out of memory. You simply enter your own passkey to be able to view your stored data. Be sure to read the statement regarding encryption.
Keep your friends close and your passwords closer.
(*New)PinKeyRing-Web Click in image to see all of the features of WebMeToo.com's PinKeyRing password encryption android and web encryption.
Web version has been completed. Provides instant SSL access to safely encoded data. Double key capable which allows you access via your primary key an additional second key to keep extra secure data secure.
Click on image to visit WebMeToo.com's website created for our long time customer NorthfieldBMV.com Northfield License Bureau
Plates, Temporary Tags, Drivers Licenses, Dog Licenses, Exams, Background Checks. Fast & Courteous Service! You will not find a better place for all of your BMV needs.
Custom WebMeToo.com application Free Website Decoder
Check website content prior to entering to see if there is any hidden codes which may cause you problems. Site code is instantly converted to non-threatening characters.
FAllYa.com - 3d graphics, games & design FAllYa.com
Yep, would have to say that this is one of our favorites and some cool 3D graphics. Often used by the staff here at WebMeToo.com.
As they say over at FAllYa.com:
Some things just need to be said!

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